Flowers For the Womb
1 min readMar 25, 2019
Selfless or evasive, they bring
Them home to die; to adorn
Or mourn an empty space.
A vacant vessel unearthed
To bear the weight.
Cut off in their prime, uprooted
Sold, drowned in oestrogenic
Flow. The flowers stand on
Ceremony; sacrifices of success.
The bitter pill is swallowed; new
Life no longer addressed.
There they stand, immersed,
Wilting in the gaze of one
Who chose to imprison beauty
He could not contain.
Stagnant water, fallen leaves, petals
Fading in light; all stare in judgment
As the perfume begins to ignite.
Ashes to ashes and soil to
Rust, the orgasm is over, the
Moment is lost. Death in a vase must
Come at a cost.