Free Your Mind
Hey Jack… Jack?
(JACK remains asleep)
I had this dream Jack…I was
married. I had a wife….A
beautiful wife. I don’t remember
her face too well, but I remember
her. ’Cause she died Jack…Yeah,
she died….
(PAUSE. PARRY remembers)
And you were there…
(HE looks to JACK. BEAT)
I really miss her. Is that O.K.
Jack? Can I miss her now?’
The Fisher King, 1991
Surrender to Happiness
Fear and acceptance can deny us our ability to live. The loneliness of a crowd can consume our strength. Don’t suffer in silence and realise others can relate to loss, despair and self-blame. Mental crisis is part of the human cycle, we need to learn how to leave it behind us as a road trip, not a compass to the rest of our lives.