‘If I had one day when I didn’t have to be all confused and I didn’t have to feel that I was ashamed of everything. If I felt that I belonged someplace. You know?’
Jim Stark, Rebel Without a Cause
Masculinity in Crisis
We live in volatile times as society continues to gauge itself against tolls and trolls. Who or what do we blame for the violent outbursts; is it hormones, mental health, savage gaming or inequality and social conditioning? Boys will quickly become men and men are still boys inside who have had change thrust upon them. Leading by example all depends on who writes the lesson or dictates the perspective. Identity develops or dissolves when the young mind has to choose morals and loyalties.
Gun exposure, virtual or material, has an impact that then normalises itself within young minds. Groceries and guns can be purchased in the same store as household acid and kitchen knives. Online hate is breeding a new war and social media is providing the bait and insight. Young adults are keen to prove or purge themselves from personal grudges and hidden fear.
Let’s compare the bullies with guns and knives. The poachers shooting animals for their skins or just as a power trophy; are they not in the same vat of cowardice as ‘terrorists’ of any colour trying to earn their stripes or strikes? Without guns and knives, would these perpetuators feel as brave or heroic?
Masculinity often defines itself by props; an exhibitionist car, pet or even, postcode. But, it seems colonialism and all its trappings of plunder has penetrated the elitist minds of gun culture. Owning and using a weapon seems to denote a phallic confirmation. The territorial animal that is man has built a wall around himself, distancing all that is the Other. Not all feel the need to load weapons and use them or sharpen their blades ready to inflict fearful reverence on innocent lives. Empathy and tolerance are not the same. We must not let hate strike another deadly hour when peace has yet to chime.