International Kissing Day
6th July
What’s in a kiss? Betrayal, submission, loyalty and love. The tangible gesture can mean so much or so little. Actions often do speak louder than words. Find someone or something to donate some love to. It is not raining frogs or Working Title films but Bacharach wasn’t far wrong with the song;
I’ll Never Fall in Love Again
...What do you get when you kiss a girl
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, she’ll never phone you…
Humour or tragedy aside, the kiss denotes art, Disneyfied ideal and often suggests closure on a day or attachment. Judas, the package deal princess, or simply the child hungry for affection; the waiting can sometimes rob others of all that warrants such a display.
We live in an emojicated escapism where the tangible traditions are kept for the seasonal gatherings. Sometimes the simplicity of a hug or kiss can save someone from self pity and loneliness. Indulge someone with your time and sincerity. Remember even ogres have something to share. Kissing a fool is a matter of perspective.