Just Another Day of Empty
You managed to cram excessive amounts of food and drink shopping into your fridge and cupboards. Now you have the task of throwing away the leftovers of your television ad worthy feast. Around the corner, not too far away; a local church has opened its attentive doors and are ready for another day of feeding the local world of hunger and hope.
If you’ve bought too much food and can spare and share; please donate to a local food bank. Christmas Day is just another day of desperation for those who have nothing and struggle to hold their head above water.
If you’ve cooked too much; please visit a lonely, elderly or unhappy neighbour. They can benefit from your time, company and kindness.
It’s easy to close your door and mind on the crisis outside; but we all have something to give; don’t ignore suffering. Step away from your comfort and help make others smile. Your world will still be there when you get back but those struggling have nothing but hope to entertain and warm them; their world is very uncertain.