World Day for Safety and Health at Work
28th April
It’s important to be safe at work and anywhere for that matter. But sometimes we must stop and wonder why common sense is mapped out in expensive, space reducing warnings and time consuming courses. Have humans become too lazy to think, see and plan ahead for themselves? How much excess red tape does one human space need? Perfectly mobile patients are wheelchaired from one corridor to another. School children aren’t allowed outside to play when it’s icy or snowing. Slip and trip hazards are heavily marked out to the extent that you become distracted. Ear defenders and hard hats for putting up a new notice board. Let’s not forget the hi-viz vest making you think you are immune from traffic, police and danger.
The fact that there is a celebration to mark this informative need, itself shows us that people need reminders as they have become reliant on visual help to get through a day. Happy Flashcard Society! Health and safety are important and many environments require you to learn how to avoid an accident or risk to your health.Children use visual learning aids and as adults, the cards, leaflets and lessons are just longer and with more words and pictures.
Is it all a huge disclaimer, making you responsible for the unstated risks?